European Union, European Security and Global Governance

Сoordinator – S.J.D., Prof. Vitalii Kovalchyk
1-3 Kniazia Romana St., Building 19, Room 327

Project duration: 01.12.2023 – 30.11.2026
Project number: 101127407
Program Jean Monnet Modules

Aim – To provide the participants of the discipline with a comprehensive study of the EU, regional security and global governance;


  1. To provide comprehensive training and education to participants on understanding EU law, regional security and global governance.
  2. To deepen participants' knowledge and understanding of the EU, regional security and global governance:
  3. To disseminate the European experience of the EU, regional security and global governance in Ukraine, as well as to implement EU best practices in the context of regional security and global governance in line with European standards.


  1. promotion of European standards of EU law and global governance, drawing attention of the authorities and the public to the importance of this issue in Ukraine;
  2. ensuring open access to information on potential legal and governance risks and their mitigation.